
Map of Amphitheaters “Close” to Rome as Defined by the Stanford Orbis Model of Connectivity in the Roman World

#load libraries

#load data sets

#setting the network
o.nw  <-, vertices=orbis.nodes, directed=TRUE)

#add the x and y back in. with the NA's set to 0
#set.vertex.attribute(o.nw,name = "x", index = as.character(orbis.nodes$id), value = orbis.nodes$x) -> o.nw
#set.vertex.attribute(o.nw,name = "y", index = as.character(orbis.nodes$id), value = orbis.nodes$y) -> o.nw

#set.vertex.attribute(o.nw,"x",index = V(o.nw)[], 0) -> o.nw
#set.vertex.attribute(o.nw,"y",index = V(o.nw)[], 0) -> o.nw

#finding the shortest paths referring to Roma, by expenses, and assigning to a new object
shortest.paths(o.nw,V(o.nw)[title == "Roma"], weights = E(o.nw)$expense) -> o.nw.torome
o.nw <- set.vertex.attribute(o.nw, "torome", index = V(o.nw), value = o.nw.torome)

#new dataframe that has two columns: the label (name of place) and the distance to Rome
data.frame(label = V(o.nw)$title, torome = V(o.nw)$torome) -> tmp.df

quantile(V(o.nw)$torome, probs = 0:60/60)[5] -> q.num

V(o.nw)$title[V(o.nw)$torome >= q.num] -> o.above.q
data.frame(title = o.above.q) -> o.above.q
merge(o.above.q,orbis.nodes, by.x = "title", by.y = "title") -> o.above.q
#o.above.q <- o.above.q[!$x),]
o.above.q.sp <- o.above.q
coordinates(o.above.q.sp) <- ~ longitude + latitude
proj4string(o.above.q.sp) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

V(o.nw)$title[V(o.nw)$torome < q.num] -> o.below.q
data.frame(title = o.below.q) -> o.below.q
merge(o.below.q,orbis.nodes, by.x = "title", by.y = "title") -> o.below.q
#o.below.q <- o.below.q[!$x),]
o.below.q.sp <- o.below.q[o.below.q$latitude > 0,]
coordinates(o.below.q.sp) <- ~ longitude + latitude
proj4string(o.below.q.sp)=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

gConvexHull(o.below.q.sp) -> o.below.hull.sp
proj4string(o.below.hull.sp)=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
sp::over(ramphs.sp,o.below.hull.sp) -> these.ramphs
ramphs.sp[!,] -> these.ramphs.sp
proj4string(these.ramphs.sp)=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

leaflet() %>% addTiles(urlTemplate = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
                       attribution = "Digital Atlas Roman Empire", tileOptions(opacity= .3))  %>%
  addPolygons(data = awmc.roman.empire.200.sp, color = 'black', fillOpacity = .05, stroke = F, ) %>%
  addPolygons(data = o.below.hull.sp, color = 'red', fillOpacity = .1, stroke = F) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(data = o.above.q.sp, color = "red", popup =o.above.q.sp$label, radius = 1) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(data = o.below.q.sp, popup =o.below.q.sp$label, radius = 1) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(data = these.ramphs.sp, color = "green", popup = these.ramphs.sp$label, radius = 1)